How Robotic Process Automations (RPAs) Benefit Your Business

September 19, 2024
Discover how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can streamline tasks, enhance accuracy, and boost productivity.
robotic process automation illustration

Almost everyone hates repetitive tasks. Have you ever tried to clean up your overflowing inbox one. email. at. a. time? It’s mind numbing, and there are better things you could do with your time.

Most businesses are full of similar repetitive tasks—little hiccups in the process that don’t need to exist. They take up time. They lower job satisfaction. And they lead to human error (we all struggle to focus on mundane work).

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is here to free your organization from living the same tasks over and over and over and over, like some sort of endless Groundhog Day.

tired asian businesswoman in front of laptop

What is Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic process automation (RPA) uses bots to perform all the high-volume, repetitive digital computer tasks that nobody enjoys: tasks that don’t require analytical skills or cognitive reasoning.

RPA bots can open computer programs, log into systems, copy/paste, recognize icons, click, and type. They can achieve touchless collaboration across various applications and systems: enterprise resource planning (ERP), transportation management, warehouse management systems (WMS), planning, procurement, and product management.

Businesses don’t even need to alter their process to fit the RPA. Instead, robotic process automations are built and customized to integrate with your existing apps and workflows. Your RPA ends up fitting like a glove—a resizable glove that can scale with your growth.

What RPAs Can Do…
✔️Open email and attachments
✔️Log into web/enterprise applications
✔️Move files and folders
✔️Copy and paste
✔️Fill in forms
✔️Read and write to databases
✔️Scrape data from the web
✔️Connect to system API
✔️Make calculations
✔️Extract structured data from documents
✔️Collect social media statistics
✔️Follow ‘if/then’ decisions/rules

RPAs: Revolutionizing Workflows In Every Department 

RPAs can perform a variety of tasks, they’re versatile, and they’re customizable. All of that makes robotic process automations useful for almost any department or industry. 


Enhance efficiency in accounting by automating data entry, streamlining invoice processing, and ensuring accuracy in payroll management. By handling repetitive tasks like generating reports and complying with tax regulations, RPAs reduce errors and free up accountants to focus on strategic financial planning and analysis.

Avoidable rework in accounting departments can take up to 30% of a full-time employee’s overall time.


Optimize the entire process from purchase order (PO) creation to vendor management. Automating tasks like invoice matching, inventory management, and compliance assurance, robotic process automations enable procurement teams to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and maintain smooth supply chain operations.


Automate tasks like social media management, email campaigns, and content scheduling. Marketers can focus on creating impactful strategies and engaging with audiences, while RPAs handle routine tasks, data analysis, and campaign monitoring.


Automate lead management, CRM updates, and routine communication tasks. This increases sales efficiency, enabling teams to focus on closing deals and nurturing customer relationships, while also facilitating better collaboration across departments.

An estimated 80% of the purchase order process can be automated.

Customer Support

Enhance efficiency by automating ticket resolution, integrating chatbots, and analyzing customer feedback. This ensures faster response times and consistent service quality, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Legal Processes

Automate document review, contract management, and compliance monitoring. By reducing the time spent on routine legal tasks, robotic process automations allow legal professionals to focus on more complex case work and strategic legal planning.

HR / Recruiting

Automate resume screening, interview scheduling, and employee onboarding, reducing the time spent on manual tasks. With automated data management and performance evaluation systems, HR teams can focus on attracting top talent, improving employee engagement, and fostering a positive work culture.

RPA can reduce the time spent on HR tasks like resume screening and interview scheduling by up to 75%​


Automate tasks like inventory management, order fulfillment, and procurement processes. This reduces operational costs, improves efficiency, and ensures seamless workflow management, enabling businesses to scale effectively and maintain high levels of service delivery.

Streamline and Scale with OneHub

OneHub is a practical tool that couples RPA with AI to simplify and enhance your business operations. 

By blending Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), OneHub can be used to make gradual improvements without overhauling an entire system.

Whether it’s organizing data, managing inventory, or coordinating between different applications, OneHub helps streamline these processes efficiently. It lets you scale operations as your needs grow, all while maintaining a cohesive and organized approach to managing your business.

Streamline and Scale with OneHub

OneHub is a practical tool that couples RPA with AI to simplify and enhance your business operations. 

By blending Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), OneHub can be used to make gradual improvements without overhauling an entire system.

Whether it’s organizing data, managing inventory, or coordinating between different applications, OneHub helps streamline these processes efficiently. It lets you scale operations as your needs grow, all while maintaining a cohesive and organized approach to managing your business. Learn more.
group of employees working

The Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

With their application and versatility across different departments, RPAs can bring a host of benefits to organizations. Tedious tasks get chopped down from hours to mere minutes, without sacrificing accuracy or quality. Plus, employees aren’t bored anymore!

Speed: RPA drastically reduces process time, allowing tasks like data entry and invoice processing to be completed in a fraction of the time it would take a human.

Productivity: Bots work 24/7 without breaks, significantly boosting productivity by running your business smoothly outside typical hours.

Accuracy: RPA automates routine tasks, eliminating human error and ensuring consistent results every time.

Employee Satisfaction: RPA frees employees from mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on creative, strategic work, improving job satisfaction and morale.

Customer Satisfaction: RPA delivers faster, more accurate processes, leading to higher customer satisfaction and stronger loyalty.

Scalability: RPA scales with your business, handling increased workloads without the need for additional hires, preventing operational bottlenecks.

Compliance and Risk Management: RPA ensures compliance by strictly following regulatory rules, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated fines.

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The ROI of Robotic Process Automation

By reducing errors, speeding up processes, and allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks, RPA can significantly cut operational costs. The savings add up quickly, making RPA a smart investment for any business looking to improve its bottom line.

A Deloitte survey reported that the average payback period for the implementation of robotic process automation was less than 12 months.

Amplifying the Power of Your RPA

Integrating an RPA into your business is just the beginning. A well-designed solution seamlessly brings together all aspects of your business in a strategic, thoughtful, and efficient way. 

After performing a careful review of your business workflows, the TLC’s Enterprise Software Development Team can help you to identify where RPAs will help the most. 

Our team uses the combined power of warehouse management systems (WMS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) to build one cohesive workflow. Powerful tools like OneHub ensure that your systems talk to each other efficiently.


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is more than just a technological upgrade—it’s a transformative force for your business. By automating repetitive tasks, enhancing accuracy, boosting productivity, and ensuring compliance, RPA enables your team to focus on what truly matters: driving growth and delivering exceptional value to your customers.

Ready to explore how RPA can revolutionize your business? TLC’s Enterprise Software Development Team is here to help. Let’s discuss your needs and explore the endless possibilities of automation for your business.

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